A modern work environment for a strong team
Competent and committed employees, who fully support their company and identify with it and its values, are the indispensible foundation for a well-functioning company.
This holds true for Cool Compact: Our team is made up of well-trained and motivated colleagues, all of whom – and most of them as long-term employees - have had their share in the success of our company.
Our positive work climate plays a critical role in the excellent inter-departmental communication, in lowering error rates and achieving outstanding results. Furthermore, our new offices certainly contribute to the pleasant work atmosphere: In 2019 we moved into our newly created sales and administration building.
Since then, bright offices, equipped with modern, ergonomic furniture, nicely designed social rooms as well as effectively planned production and storage halls for short walking distances and well thought-out work processes, have simplified and improved the everyday workflow.
As a result, and one of the positive side effects is the above-average number of longterm employees, who – with their many years of experience – are a valuable and reliable support for the company. This, in combination with our young colleagues, creates a perfect mix of fresh, impetuous vigor and proven routine and prudence.
Together, we have made it our mission to deliver the most advanced cooling devices, the most comprehensive service and thus the best overall product to our customers.